Thursday, December 27, 2012

Organizing and Reverb Days 11 ~ 15

 Every so often I reach a point in my office/art room where it has become so disorganized that I can't focus on anything. So my hubby helped me start a project to reorganize over the holidays.

He hung the shelves. I'm organizing my stuff in the storage boxes. Now I can focus!
More finished pages in my Reverb 12 journal:
Day 11: Did you form any new, or strengthen any existing, relationships in  2012
Day 12: What was something you planned to do this year but didn't?
Day 13: What was your biggest indulgence in 2012?

Day 14: What was the best meal you enjoyed in 2012?
Day 15:What was a favorite photo you took in 2012?
It's great having the week off. I'm organizing and getting caught upon my art projects! Here's another peak at my magazine article coming up in January's Art Journaling Magazine:

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I have been anxiously watching the mail for the past few weeks awaiting an arrival that would enable me to share some exciting news.

I have art and an article published in my favorite magazine, Art Journaling Magazine by Somerset Studio. I was so honored when I was asked to consider submitting some of my art. The magazine goes on sale on January 1st, but my advance copy came in the mail yesterday.

So excited!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reverb 12 Days 4 ~ 9

More finished pages from my Reverb 12 reflection journal.

Day 4: Did you discover a new song or musical artist in 2012?

Day 5: Five things you do not want to forget in 2012.
{As much as I would like it, number 5 is not about becoming a grandma as a few of my friends have asked. I'll announce this event as soon as I am able!}

Day 6:What was your favorite gift in 2012?

Day 7: What was your funniest story from 2012?

Day 8: What was the quote or saying that most resonated with you this past year?

Day 9: Was there anything you were feeling nostalgic for in 2012?

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Habit of Reflection

Each year, as the end of the year draws close, I make it a habit to look back over the year and its events and reflect. I look back at the highs and lows, at the areas where I experienced growth and at the ones where I didn't. I usually will do this by spending a few days reading my journals from that year.

This year, I started earlier and am using the aid of a practice called Reverb 12. Hope Wallace Karney introduced me to Reverb 12 on her blog Every day she posts a prompt that helps one reflect on the previous year. This has been an unusual year of very highs and very lows. Both of our daughters got married this year and we gained two wonderful son-in-laws {very high}! But, on the very low end, some close friends of almost 20 years moved to Texas {we miss you guys!}

So, faced with reflecting on this past year I thought it would help to do so in a different manner this year..and one that would let me get creative. Since I am obsessed with altering books and making my own art journals, I decided to make a little book for this experience. I've been building a little stash of old books I've found at Goodwill and other places and I had the perfect one for this project.

Front and back covers
Full of foundation pages
Some finished pages:

Intro Page

Day 1: Did you try anything new in 2012?

Day 2: What was the most memorable gathering you attended in 2012?
I had to pick two memorable events since both of our girls got married this year! Some of my answers to prompts were more personal to me than others, so in those instances I used envelopes to place my journaling in. Like on Day 3: What was a storm you weathered in 2012?

This is a busy time of year for me at work with our outreach to the school and neighborhood. Even so, I decided to do this creative project of reflection and an Advent art journal project. Lofty ambitions, I know! But I'm not putting pressure on myself to complete them within any time frame and the creative outlet is helping balance my energy in this busy season

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Advent 2012

This year for my Advent art project I am using an Advent guide by Mandy Steward of The Messy Canvas who is the co-founder of an art journaling community I am a part of. Mandy wrote an e-book with Advent journaling prompts called "Come Thou Long Expected". The theme of the book is based on the Advent calendars many of us had as children where you would open a little window each day to see what treasure hid behind it. We are given 25 words to randomly select as our journaling theme for each day. As we journal about those words we "are able to open a daily window for ourselves. Letting in Fresh air, new perspective and wonder." (Mandy Steward)

Advent practices are a relatively new practice for me as an adult. I spent over 30 years in the hospitality and retail fields and the Christmas season became an exhausting whirlwind of busy-ness and materialism. It took me many years to recover (somewhat recover). Participating in Advent observance over the past three years has helped me slow down and really participate in the true reason for this season ~ the coming of Christ.

My progress so far in my Advent Journal:

Altered Book Advent Journal

Gessoed pages ready to fill!

Day 1 ~ Believe

Day 2 ~ Create

Day 3 ~ Give