Art Journaling Again - The Arizona Travel Journal Edition
Sorry for such a long absence. For the past two months I have been on an unplanned social media sabbatical. It started after my last words challenge ended in mid-April. It's not unusual for me to take an art break after running a daily challenge, a catch my breath time. But somehow over the past few months being on social media has felt, well, too much like extrovertion, and I just needed a break. I've been enjoying spring bird migration, walking at the park, planning a backyard bird (and people) sanctuary, reading, and finally seeing my family in Michigan after 15 months.
At the beginning of May, once we were fully vaccinated, we took a short trip down to Phoenix to visit my friend Diane. It was a great time and it felt so good to travel again. We had visited Phoenix for the first time at the end of February 2020. I had fully intended to make a travel journal about our trip. I made the journal and the cover, but then two weeks after we returned COVID hit full force and we went on lockdown, and the journal never got completed.
When we got back from our recent trip I pulled out the Arizona journal I had started and decided to use this journal for both trips. It also served to get me back into my art journal habit.
I think I need to travel more so I can make more travel journals!
I have decided not to do a summer Words Challenge this year. It was a hard decision to make but after such a crazy year and a half I find I just need to take a break this summer and relax. Hopefully this new school year will be a normal one! My next Words Challenge will be the annual Advent Words Challenge.
I hope you are finding ways to relax and enjoy the summer. :)