Friday, May 16, 2014

Blessed To Be A Blessing

This morning I find myself thinking about blessings for a number of reasons:

  • This is today's topic over at Bernice Hopper's challenge blog, The Art of Practising Gratitude, and I just happen to be the guest blogger today. Be A Blessing Post 
  • The past few weeks have been very busy but, thankfully, I have spent a lot of time with kids, and kids are a blessing to me. I never felt a "call" to do ministry with children. It's never been a passion of mine. But back in 2005, when God called our church to reach out to the neighborhood surrounding the church, and adopting a public school was the way He was leading us to do this, I got connected with doing what He called us to do. And over the years, as I have tried to be faithful to serving as God has called our church to, these kids have grabbed hold of my heart and God has created a new passion and calling for my life. 
  • Last weekend I chaperoned 12 kids, ages 7-15, for a weekend at a camp we are associated with called Youth Haven Ranch. It wasn't really an easy weekend. There was petty squabbling in the car, a trip to the ER, not much sleep, and some pouting and pre-teen drama. BUT, in the midst of all that I enjoyed what I always enjoy at camp: watching kids get loved on and told about how much God loves them. A couple of our kids were there as "Leaders in Training" and I was so proud watching them. Just five years ago they were among the first of the little kids we took up to camp, who were loved on by the team leaders, and now they spent the weekend giving themselves over to serving kids. 
  • When I got home from camp on Sunday, my step-daughter, her husband, and her step-sons were at the house waiting to share part of Mother's Day with me. During their visit, my daughter in Charleston, SC called and it was almost like we were all together. I'm so proud of my beautiful adult daughters and the lives they have made for themselves.
  • Working in full time ministry isn't always easy. Working with people isn't easy. There are many times I'm worn-out and worn-down by it. But today, I am reminded of the many blessings God has given me and many of them are a result of being in full time ministry. I am blessed.
Art journal pages made for The Art of Practising Gratitude challenge guest blog post:


  1. Mary, this is just beautiful!! I will be getting in on that challenge for sure! I am in a continued state of gratitude for what our Father does in my life! Thanks for sharing this!!

  2. Beautiful pages and what you say is so true - we really do get blessed when we bless others.

  3. I always find encouragement here!

  4. Mary, I Love this!! Not only is the artwork beautiful but the message is so God ordained. Tomorrow is my Sunday to teach the 4-6 yr olds in Children's church. Thanks for reminding me that this is a MINISTRY that allows me to be a blessing, not one to dread....shame on me! God bless you, my dear sister in Christ!

    1. Ooooh, Creative Nana, that is my favorite age group! Have a wonderful time with them this morning. They have a way of helping us adults see God is new and refreshing ways! I regret that I don't always see ministry with eyes of blessing but kids sure to help me turn that around! Thanks for stopping by! :)
