Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Advent Rolodex Art Cards Catch-up

I have fallen behind in the past week on posting my daily Advent Rolodex art cards and the other Advent projects I am participating in.

Here is the art I made for yesterday's Advent devotion I wrote for the His Kingdom Come community. You can read the devotion here if you'd like.

At our church we use some of the pre-made background slides that come with our presentation software for the song lyric projection on Sunday mornings. There is a slide that is a concrete block wall with the blocks forming a cross done in a contrasting color. That slide was the inspiration for this art page.

I am also working on an Advent project for my church website. A new devotion with a playlist for this week (week 3) and daily Advent Scripture readings can be found here.

It is a busy time of year with Christmas celebrations at school and getting ready for family celebrations. It's good to have Advent devotions and readings to help slow down the season some and focus on the real reason we celebrate Christmas - the birth of Christ the Lord!

I hope you are finding ways to slow down and participate in Advent this year. :)


  1. These are fabulous, Mary! I know how you feel, so hard to stay on top of things in this busy season. God bless, Autumn

  2. Your cards are great and i really like your tiled cross design.
