Saturday, January 2, 2021

Rhythms of Life


Happy New Year and welcome 2021! Nothing has changed from Thursday to today except the year on the calendar. Yet somehow just saying 2021 brings a sigh of relief. 2020 is done. It will be a year we remember and talk about for a long time into the future.

My word of the year for 2021 came to me quite a bit later than it has in past years. I have only been living with this new word for a week now and have not spent as much time with it as I would have liked to before jumping into the new year. 

My word for 2021 is "rhythm". This past year has been one where the rhythms of daily life have been in continual change. For months during the pandemic lockdown our normal rhythms stopped. For weeks back in March I found myself devouring the news and trying to learn as much as I could about the virus. I struggled to focus on reading or making art or the other things I usually did. I finally stopped and realized I needed refocus. I needed to get back to some of my regular habits at the beginning of the day. Those early morning rhythms - time spent reading God's Word, journaling, studying, praying - ground me. This past month connecting with the familiar rhythm of Advent reminded me that rhythms in life are the things we do to keep ourselves grounded. This year I need to connect with new rhythms and keep focused on the one that are familiar and healthy for me.

My plans this year center around words:
  • My word of the year.
  • Words faith and art challenges.
  • Capturing the daily rhythms of my life through weekly spreads in a commonplace book.

For my word of the year practice I'm going to post what I'm doing with some of the methods I use and invite others to join me. I'm also joining Ali Edward's One Little Word as this year is the tenth anniversary. Ali's One Little Word got me started on selecting a word each year. Combining it with spiritual practices has made it a transformative practice each year.

My January weekly posts will focus on:
1/8 Researching my word of the year.
1/15 Setting intentions for my word. Looking at the difference between goals and intentions, and basing my intentions on personal values.
1/22 Setting a vision for my word and my year.
1/29 Making a vision board.

For the Words challenges we will take some time to practice word studies, some utilizing our word of the year. As much as I would like to do the full month-long words challenges more often, they are quite time consuming. I may fit some smaller challenges in at some point this year. I really enjoy using a book of the Bible for a summer Words challenge and plan to do so again this summer. I'm really drawn to 2 Corinthians right now. We'll  see if I stick with that by the time summer comes along.

As I wrote in my last post, I have re-connected with a practice of doing a weekly spread capturing the rhythms of my daily life in a commonplace book. And I have re-connected with the Life Documented group which spun off the original Documented Life project.

I invite you to join me in exploring words in many forms this year. You can participate and share in my Words Art & Faith Group on Facebook or on Instagram #wordsart&faithgroup.

You can find out more about Life Documented here.
Find out more about Ali Edwards One Little Word here.

I also encourage you to visit my co-leaders from the Living Your Word group and see what they have planned for 2021. The Living Your Word group is now archived.
Visit Bernice Hopper at her blog 
Visit Valerie Sjodin at her website


  1. I love your pages. I look forward to reading how you get on with your word and your journal.

  2. Thank you for defining how you plan to go about using your word and keeping your commonplace book. I have started a new type of journal as well. I thought I could give up my written journal, but soon found out that I can't. It is how I process and I need it. However, my other journal is going to be the place where I celebrate my life. It will be more visual, with photos, sketches, doodles, lettering and a bit of collage (hence my order from your Etsy store!). I did a Documented Life book in 2014. I pulled it out to start looking through it - how busy I was! My days were so filled, unlike they are today, during this miserable quarantine. I hope my new journal will help me focus on what's positive and lovely in my life.
