Advent Words Day 9: Sent
"There was a man who was sent from God; his name was John." John 1:6
Our verse today brings John the Baptist into the Christmas story in John the Apostle's gospel. John the Baptist plays a significant role in the coming of the Messiah. His arrival and purpose in the story was foretold by the prophets:
“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty." Malachi 3:1
"This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’” Matthew 3:3 quoting Isaiah 40:3
The apostle John tells us in today's verse that John the Baptist was "sent from God". This phrase was used in the Old Testament of the sending of the prophets whose role was to speak for God. John the Baptist was sent from God to speak for God and prepare the people for the arrival of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. His role, as stated in Luke 1:17 was "to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”
The Greek word John used for sent is apostello. It means more them simply being sent. It holds a special meaning of one who is commissioned to be a representative. One who is sent by God then is sent with the power and authority to speak for God, because he belongs to God and has been commissioned by God. Apostello is used in John's gospel more times than in any other book in the New Testament. It is used most often to remind us that the Father sent the Son.
"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." John 17:3
The word is then used in John's gospel by Jesus to his followers:
"As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world." John 17:18
"Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” John 20:21
The father sent John the Baptist as a voice to prepare God's people for the coming Messiah. The Father sent the Son as a sacrifice to bring salvation to the people. The Son sends us into the world as His witnesses to share the One who brings salvation to the world.
You can read the story of John the Baptist's birth and commissioning in Luke 1:5-25, 57-80.
Join me in responding creatively to the Advent Words in John's prologue. You can share your creative response on Instagram using #adventwords2019 or join the Words Challenge Facebook Group and share your creative response there.
You can read the story of John the Baptist's birth and commissioning in Luke 1:5-25, 57-80.
Join me in responding creatively to the Advent Words in John's prologue. You can share your creative response on Instagram using #adventwords2019 or join the Words Challenge Facebook Group and share your creative response there.
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