Day 13 ~ Heart
In the passage we looked at yesterday (Colossians 1:24-2:5) Paul said that he serves the Colossians by encouraging or strengthening their hearts in order that they may have complete understanding to know the mystery of God: Christ. (2:2)
When we think of the word heart in our day and age, we tend to think mainly of emotions. In Greek and Hebrew thought, however, the word heart encompassed so much more. To them the heart was the center of life, the whole inner person. Their understanding of heart encompasses the emotions, intellect, will, character and soul. Scripture recognizes that it is with the heart that man makes decisions. The heart directs our thoughts. It is with this in mind that Paul calls us to "Let the peace of Christ rule (dwell) in your hearts..." (Colossians 3:15) and to serve and worship "with gratitude in your hearts to God" (3:16). If the heart is the center of life, then this verse could say that we are to let the peace of Christ rule at the center of our being, the center of who we are.
When we are steeped in God's Word we gain the knowledge of His will and His ways. When God's peace dwells in us it is an indicator that we abide in Christ. As a result our thoughts and our actions will flow out of what is in our hearts. An attitude of peace and gratitude in our hearts will guide our thoughts and actions to the good pleasure of the Father.
When we are steeped in God's Word we gain the knowledge of His will and His ways. When God's peace dwells in us it is an indicator that we abide in Christ. As a result our thoughts and our actions will flow out of what is in our hearts. An attitude of peace and gratitude in our hearts will guide our thoughts and actions to the good pleasure of the Father.
Please share your creative responses to today's word and Bible verses in the Words Facebook group or on Instagram using #colossianswords.
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