Thursday, August 16, 2018

Colossians Words Day 16: In Christ/With Christ

Day 16 ~ In Christ/With Christ

The phrases "in Christ", "with Christ", "in him", "with him", And "in whom" are all ways that Paul points Christ followers to the reality that we have a spiritual union with Christ. We are one with Him. How are we united with Christ? 
"When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins." Colossians 2:13
We are forgiven our sins through Christ and then made alive with Him. In other words, we have a new life. Our old life is exchanged for a new life, a spiritual life. Union with Christ is our source of life and our means by which we live life.

"In Christ", along with the other phrases that express this, is language that Paul uses frequently in his letters. "In Christ" on its own has been noted over 165 times in Paul's writings. The sheer frequency with which Paul point outs this union with Christ expresses it important for our life with Christ. Let's look at what these phrases reveal in the book of Colossians and then, simply meditate on what this means for us.

In Christ:

  • All things are held together - things that were created by Him and for Him. (1:17)
  • Dwells the all fullness of God. (1:19)
  • Are all the treasure of wisdom and knowledge. (2:3)
  • All the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form. (2:9)
  • Is found the reality of what was promised. (2:17
In Christ we:
  • Are holy and faithful brothers - family. (1:2)
  • Place our faith. (1:4 & 2:5)
  • Are being made perfect/complete. (1:28)
  • Have redemption. (1:14
  • Live (2:6)
  • Are rooted and built up. (2:7)
  • Have been given fullness (2:10)
  • Are circumcised, the sinful nature is put off. (2:11)
With Christ we:
  • Are buried in baptism. (2:12)
  • Are raised through faith in God's pOwer. (2:12 & 3:1)
  • Are made alive. (2:13)
  • Died to the basic principles of this world. (2:20)
  • Have our life hidden - kept secure. (3:4)
  • Will appear in glory. (3:4)
Our union with Christ means we are in Christ and Christ is in us.

"To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."  Colossian 1:27

"Christ is all, and is in all." Colossians 3:11

If you are behind or just joining in, you can find a list with links to the previous words here.

Please share your creative responses to today's word and Bible verses in the Words Facebook group or on Instagram using #colossianswords.

#foundonbrighton #everydayjournals2018

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